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What "Whose Line Is It Anyway" 27-th episode about
The show begins with a rousing game of Let's Make a Date in which Brad is a Puritan witch hunter who sees the devil everywhere, Colin is a pompous politician getting into a fight with his fiancee in the audience and Ryan is the head of Colin's angry ex-wfe sprouting from Colin's neck; "If You Know What I Mean", with Brad, Colin, and Ryan as hotel clerks; in "Duet", Brad and Wayne sing to Susie as the Rolling Stones; Title Sequence earns this episode its Too Hot title, when the audience suggests Cosby and Hitler, but instead, the guys perform the theme to Bill Cosby and the Insurance Agent; Scenes from a Hat, featuring how the cast of Baywatch would react to a real emergency, and if Tarzan and Tonto were roommates.
Brad wins, so the rest sing the director Hoedown.
Episode number: 27
Episode name: "Too Hot For Whose Line - Show No. 432 (2) Summary"
Episode release date: 13 february 2002 at 01:00
Status: aired
Rating: 8.3