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Для какого возраста: 10+
Сколько серий в 9 сезоне: 22 серии
Джон направляется в Гилберт, штат Аризона, чтобы помочь владелице, посвятившей свою жизнь бару с опасно грязной кухней и неподготовленным персоналом.
В Джексонвилле, штат Флорида, Джон Таффер стремится спасти бар, который страдает от серьезного кризиса идентичности и отсутствия руководства.
Джон направляется в Фаунтин-Хиллз, штат Аризона, чтобы помочь супружеской паре защитить свои инвестиции в бар, который сносит с лица земли их друг и деловой партнер.
Джон Таффер отправляет легендарного миксолога Фила Уиллса спасти грязный бар в Окснарде, штат Калифорния, и помочь молодоженам осуществить свои мечты.
Джон Таффер пытается спасти бар в Тусоне, штат Аризона, владелец которого привел бар в упадок, несмотря на усилия ее квалифицированного персонала.
Jon Taffer heads to St. Augustine, Florida to help a military vet rescue his struggling bar amidst poor sales and an unruly staff.
В Бэннинге, штат Калифорния, сломанный бар стал причиной серьезного разлада между братом и сестрой, и Джон Таффер должен найти способ помочь им исправить ущерб.
Jon sends hospitality protégé, Dustin Drai, to Glendale, Arizona to rescue a local institution whose current owner is treating the bar as his personal hangout and giving away free drinks.
Jon heads to Palm Desert to help rescue a 20 year old bar that has failed to ever make a profit while navigating a complicated web of relationships.
In Downey, Jon tasks Phil Wills to help an iconic live music venue get back on its feet after years of neglect and mismanagement.
Jon Taffer rescues a bar in Boca Raton, FL whose owner is failing to achieve the same success he found in the music industry as he is in the bar.
Jon Taffer sends Ashish Alfred to Port St. Lucie, Florida to help three brothers save a bar they bought with no knowledge or experience of how to run it.
Jon comes to the rescue of a nearly 100 year old VFW Post that was decimated from Covid and struggles to hang on amidst a dwindling membership and decaying building.
Jon Taffer heads to Margate, FL to fix a dive bar whose owners have not changed anything in the bar for over 20 years - including their smoking policy.
Jon Taffer sends his long-time expert, Phil Wills to lead the rescue of a bar in San Marcos, California that is suffering from an identity crisis.
Jon Taffer and his experts visit failing drinking establishments to offer one last shot at success.
Jon appoints hospitality expert Dustin Drai to Apache Junction, Arizona to rescue a small town bar whose owners have no experience in operations, design, or service.
For his 250th rescue, Jon Taffer heads to Pompano Beach, FL to help a seasoned bar veteran fix his family issues so that he can take a step closer to retirement.
Jon Taffer sends Phil Wills and Danny Trejo to Houston, TX to rescue a business whose owner prefers to drink in the bar while his retired wife is left to pick up the pieces.
Jon Taffer attempts to rescue a bar in Kingwood, Texas, whose owners have neglected both the business and the staff over the last several years.
Jon Taffer sends Phil Wills & Danny Trejo to Cleveland, TX to help a pair of friends rescue their bar and their friendship amidst family fights and dying cockroaches.