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О чем 28 серия сериала "Так чья сейчас реплика?"
Game 1 - Scene To Music: Ryan, aballoong-ho pest exterminator, bursts in on the hotel room of Colin and Wayne, a newlywed couple.
Game 2 - Scenes From A Hat: Famous Film Roles As Played By Scooby-Doo If Welcome Signs In European Countries Were Truthful Things You Don't Want You Hear Your Grandmother Singing About What The First Fight Between A Man And A Woman Was About
Game 3 - Song Styles: Wayne sings as Prince to a guest contortionist with an unusual name.
Game 4 - Changed Letter: B to W Greg, the team doctor, is treating the star basketball player, Wayne. Colin, a reporter, has come in to interview Wayne, when Ryan, the coach, bursts in to stop him.
Game 5 - Living Scenery: Ryan, Colin, Wayne, and the contortionist as Arctic explorers on a race to the North Pole encounter each other at a different icehole.
Game 6 - Hats/Dating Service Video
Artificial Winner: Wayne Brady
Drew Game - Sports Casters: Drew and Greg commenting on competing office workers Ryan and Colin
Номер серии: 28
Название серии: "Краткое содержание Грега Прупса"
Оригинальное название серии: "Greg Proops Summary"
Дата выхода серии: 9 августа 2003 в 00:00
Статус: вышла
Рейтинг: 7.3