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What "Robot Wars" 13-th episode about
The Series Semi-Finals! Which 2 robots will advance to the Grand Final?
Wild Thing From: Hampshire Seated #9 Weight: 97 Kilos Dimensions: 0.40M X 0.93M X 0.91M Power: 2 X 375W Motors Weapons: Vertical Cutting Disc Strengths: Experienced Competitior Weaknesses: Exposed Tyres Team Captain: Nick Adams With: Isabelle Adams
Razer Seated: #1 and Reining Champion Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.55M X 1.10M X 0.63M Power: 2 X 1000W Electric Motors Weapons: Spike Strengths: Nimble and Very Accurate Weaknesses: Slow Self-Righting Team Captain: Ian Lewis With: Simon Scott and Vincent Blood
13 Black From: Leichestershire Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 1.66M X 0.39M X 0.66M Power: 2 X 750W Motors Weapons: 2 X 750mm Steel Blades Strengths: Speed and Weapons Weaknesses: Radio Response Team Captain: John Denny With: Richard Morris and Ken Wilson
Firestorm IV From: Durham Seated: #3 Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.36M X 1.10M X 0.83M Power
Episode number: 13
Episode name: "Semi Final 1"
Episode release date: 21 february 2003 at 20:00
Status: aired