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What "Robot Wars" 26-th episode about
The New Blood Grand Final! Whoever wins this competition will receive a trophey and will automatically qualify for the 7th Wars as the 16th seeds. Which newbie will win?
Thor From: Northamptonshire Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.59M X 1.95M X 1.16M Power: 2 X Electric Motors Weapons: Hammer Strengths: Explosive Weapon Weaknesses: Thin Armour Team Captain: Jason Marston With: Lee Cornish
Storm II From: Suffock Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.16M X 0.79M X 0.72M Power: Electric Motor Weapons: Full Body Hammer Strengths: Very Tough Weaknesses: Untested Team Captain: Ed Hoppitt With: Andrew Rayner and Tim Bence
Cedric Slammer From: Lankashire Weight: 100 Kilos Dimensions: 0.56M X 0.85M X 0.70M Power: 2 X 1200W Electric Motors Weapons: Upright Roatating Blade Strengths: Deadly Weapon Weaknesses: Welding Team Captain: Jason Alty With: James Craigg and Michael Zenczak
Mute From: Staffordshire Weight: 96 Kilos Dimensions: 0.28M X 1.00
Episode number: 26
Episode name: "Robot Wars Extreme II: New Blood Final"
Episode release date: 22 august 2003 at 20:00
Status: aired