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Скільки серій в 29 сезоні: 142 серії
Джон Стюарт дивиться на похилий вік президента Байдена та Дональда Трампа, команда новин відвідує справжню американську закусочну, а Занні Мінтон Беддоз із The Economist досліджує національний консерватизм.
Джордан Клеппер розмовляє з учасниками мітингу за політичного аутсайдера Ніккі Хейлі та «одноденного диктатора» Дональда Трампа, Дезі Лідік окреслює побоювання республіканців, а Гугер Майк рекламує свій альбом «Michael».
Джордан Клеппер висвітлює не дуже особливі вибори в Палату представників на Лонг-Айленді, штат Нью-Йорк, журналіст Джошуа Грін обговорює свою книгу «Повстанці», а актор Лашана Лінч розповідає про «Боб Марлі: Одне кохання».
Джордан Клеппер висвітлює сексуальний скандал в офісі прокурора округу Фултон, Джорджія, Грейс Куленшмідт непритомніє через президентів-перелюбників, а режисер Корд Джефферсон обговорює «Американську фантастику».
Джон Стюарт розриває шанобливе інтерв’ю Такера Карлсона з Володимиром Путіним, а ведучі подкасту «Суворий контроль» Мелісса Мюррей і Кейт Шоу досліджують небезпеку авторитаризму.
Дезі Лідік і Джош Джонсон оцінюють лінію кросівок Дональда Трампа, Ронні Чіенґ користується перевагами нового закону Алабами про ембріони, а Данай Гуріра переглядає «Ходячі мерці: ті, хто живе».
Дезі Лідік розповідає про не надто надійного інформатора ФБР, який працює проти президента Байдена, Майкл Коста відвідує «кліматичний притулок» Дулут, Міннесота, а режисер Мейт Альберді розповідає про «Вічну пам’ять».
Дезі Лідік аналізує так звані помірковані погляди Ніккі Хейлі, Трой Івата святкує день без смартфонів, а Джейсон Ісбелл виконує «Cast Iron Skillet» зі свого альбому «Weathervanes».
Джон Стюарт аналізує ізраїльсько-палестинські мирні плани та довгостроковий вплив зовнішньої політики США з журналістами Муртазою Хуссейном і Яїром Розенбергом, а Джон прощається з другом.
Ронні Чіенґ розповідає запрошеному ведучому Майклу Кості про свій план подолати стрибок цін Венді, The Daily Show розповідає про кандидата 2024 року RFK-молодшого, а письменник Кваме Александер розповідає про «This Is the Honey».
Уродженці Мічигану Майкл Коста та Джордан Клеппер дебатують на праймеріз свого штату «Доктор». Трой Івата оцінює розумову придатність політиків, а письменниця Слоун Крослі обговорює «Горе для людей».
Майкл Коста та Дезі Лідік скаржаться на затримку Верховним судом розгляду справи про недоторканість Дональда Трампа, Дульсе Слоун вшановує темношкірих жінок, а Рекс Чепмен говорить «Мені важко жити зі мною».
Джон Стюарт досліджує надзвичайно пристрасну кризу мігрантів і не дуже привітну реакцію Нью-Йорка на цю проблему, а письменник Джонатан Блітцер обговорює «Кожен, хто пішов, тут».
Гостьовий ведучий Ронні Чіенґ досліджує «зменшувану інфляцію», Джордан Клеппер зустрічає нерішучих шанувальників Ніккі Гейлі, а Ювал Ной Харарі розповідає про «Нестримних нас, том 2: Чому світ несправедливий».
Гість-ведучий Ронні Чіенґ розповідає про передбачувані результати Супервівторка, Грейс Куленшмідт насолоджується прекрасним Американським Самоа, а Челсі Перетті балакає про «Вперше режисерську роботу».
Ронні Чіенґ розглядає нові заходи безпеки в аеропорту та метро, Майкл Коста розмовляє з жителями Ігл-Пасс, Техас, про нещодавнє «вторгнення», а Аквафіна обговорює «Кунг-фу Панду 4».
Джон Стюарт висвітлює звернення про стан країни у 2024 році та руйнує спотворені відносини Республіканської партії з Конституцією, а письменник Стівен Левіцкі обговорює «Тиранію меншості».
Дезі Лідік, Майкл Коста та Грейс Куленшмідт розгадують таємницю Кейт Міддлтон, а письменниця Джейн Марі обговорює «Продаючи мрію: мільярдна індустрія, яка банкрутує американців».
Дезі Лідік і Майкл Коста досліджують потенційну заборону TikTok, Льюїс Блек скаржиться на людські упередження ШІ, а Девід Алан Ґрієр розповідає про «Американське товариство магічних негрів».
Команда новин досліджує сумнівну демократію президентських виборів у Росії 2024 року, Майамі розлучається з весняними канікулами, а акторка Рене Еліз Голдсберрі розповідає про своє шоу «Girls5eva».
Jon Stewart loses patience with the double standards at work in Donald Trump's "victimless" financial fraud case, and Gary Clark Jr. performs "Habits" from his album "JPEG RAW".
Jordan Klepper and Josh Johnson debate Florida's age limits for social media, the GOP grapples with "What Women Voters Want", and author Jim Sciutto discusses "The Return of Great Powers".
Jordan Klepper explores shifting attitudes toward the January 6 insurrectionists, Michael Kosta attends RFK Jr'.s running mate announcement, and Byron Tau discusses "Means of Control".
Jordan Klepper and Grace Kuhlenschmidt react to NYC's congestion pricing, Leslie Jones rages against election polls, and Huey Lewis talks "The Heart of Rock and Roll" jukebox musical.
Jon Stewart analyzes the bait-and-switch promises of artificial intelligence, and Federal Trade Commission chair Lina Khan discusses monopolies, antitrust laws, and corporate collusion.
Desi Lydic celebrates the skyrocketing popularity of women's basketball, Michael Kosta meets an NYC "ghost plates" buster, and 2024 Senate hopeful Colin Allred lays out his plans for Texas.
Desi Lydic explores conservatives' outrage over a harmless calendar coincidence, Charlamagne Tha God breaks down the flaws of DEI, and Alison Brie chats about her series "Apples Never Fall".
Desi Lydic explains Nebraska's crucial role in the 2024 election, Jordan Klepper and Ronny Chieng brace for the eclipse, and Sebastian Junger and Ken Harbaugh discuss "Against All Enemies".
Jon Stewart looks at eclipse conspiracy theories and the U.S'.s delicate treatment of Israel, and Christiane Amanpour outlines the need for strong political leadership in the Middle East.
Michael Kosta explores Arizona's Civil War-era abortion ban and Donald Trump's ever-changing views on reproductive rights, and director Alex Garland discusses "Civil War".
Michael Kosta and Troy Iwata try to pinpoint the ideal youthful candidate for a Supreme Court spot, and Vampire Weekend performs "Mary Boone" from their album "Only God Was Above Us".
Michael Kosta and Jordan Klepper offer their bro-iest takes on abortion, a new service saves politicians from embarrassing falls, and Hanif Abdurraqib discusses "There's Always This Year".
Jon Stewart is baffled by the current "teams" in the Middle East, the news team debates which historical martyr Donald Trump resembles most, and author David E. Sanger talks "New Cold Wars".
Dulcé Sloan and Jordan Klepper check in on jury selection at Donald Trump's trial, John Leguizamo breaks down the importance of Latino voters, and Mayan Lopez chats about "Lopez vs. Lopez".
Josh Johnson tries to land a spot on Donald Trump's jury, Dulcé Sloan visits a Black-owned wine tour in Georgia, and Orlando Bloom discusses his docuseries "Orlando Bloom: To the Edge".
Dulcé Sloan covers Speaker Mike Johnson's clash with fellow Republicans in Congress, Josh Johnson learns the art of tax evasion, and Brittney Spencer discusses her album "My Stupid Life".
Jon Stewart and a very special guest debate the media's sensationalist coverage of Donald Trump's mundane trial, and Salman Rushdie discusses "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted cuddle".
Jordan Klepper and Ronny Chieng explore Donald Trump's "torturous" time in court, Joe Biden shares a startling family story, and economist Stephanie Kelton discusses "Finding the Money".
Jordan Klepper and Ronny Chieng break down a Tennessee bill to arm schoolteachers, Michael Kosta explores America's pickleball craze, and New Jersey Rep. Andy Kim discusses his Senate bid.
Ronny Chieng and Jordan Klepper explore the dangers of police presence at college protests against the war in Gaza, and Kyle Chayka discusses "Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture".
Jordan Klepper tackles Trump's collection of gag-order violations and the ongoing ass-kissing pageant for his VP pick, which includes South Dakota Governor and puppy executioner Kristi Noem. Jordan and Josh Johnson unpack the beef between rappers Drake and Kendrick Lamar, and what world leaders can learn from this exchange. Also, Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at NYU, joins Jordan to discuss his latest best-selling book "The Anxious Generation".
Jordan Klepper and Troy Iwata suffer through Stormy Daniels's TMI testimony, Desi Lydic discovers a lucrative way to save the planet, and Lexi Freiman talks about "The Book of Ayn".
Jordan Klepper and Desi Lydic analyze RFK Jr'.s startling health revelation, Lewis Black calls out Tesla's dismal profits and truck recall, and Matt Damon discusses "Kiss the Future".
Jon Stewart calls out fake outrage on the right and confronts his own political shame, and John Della Volpe discusses "Fight: How Gen Z Is Channeling Their Fear and Passion to Save America".
Jon Stewart digs into the trial of comically corrupt Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, and in a new segment called "How Dumb Is You- asks the senator how he got caught engaging in such obvious illegal corruption, while government officials like Nancy Pelosi, Richard Burr, and Roy Blunt have been getting away with legal corruption for years. "Babes" actor and writer Ilana Glazer sits down with Jon Stewart to discuss how her new film provides a much needed and accurate portrayal of pregnancy and motherhood. They talk about her bond with co-star Michelle Buteau, the struggle to get the film made, and how she spent Mother's Day as a new mom herself.
Desi Lydic reports on the latest updates from Trump's criminal trial, which has turned into a who's-who of wannabe vice presidents and political ass-kissers. Plus, an art installation connecting New York and Dublin turns into utter chaos, and ChatGPT debuts a flirty new voice to answer users that might just have Ronny Chieng and Josh Johnson sold on AI. Filmmaker, writer, actor, and artist Miranda July talks to Desi Lydic about how her new novel, "All Fours", is a coming-of-age story for any woman in her 40s who has "secret desires and anxieties about those desires and is wondering what's going on with her body and her marriage, and just her whole self". They discuss how many of the topics covered in the novel, like perimenopause, traumatic childbirth, and female sexual freedom, often go undiscussed, and July explains the difference between a "driver" and a "parker".
Academy Award and Tony-nominated actress Amy Ryan joins Desi Lydic to discuss receiving her third Tony Award nomination for playing Sister Aloysius in "Doubt: A Parable", and having only one week to prepare for the Broadway role. Ryan also alludes to a major plot twist in her Apple TV+ series, "Sugar", and how the show puts a spin on the classic noir detective narrative.
Desi Lydic and Josh Johnson debate the pros and cons of restoring Southern schools' Confederate names, and Helen Rebanks and Nick Offerman discuss her book "The Farmer's Wife".
Jon Stewart calls out the right's hypocritical obsession with victimhood and being "canceled" for expressing free speech, and Frank Fahrenkopf explains the evolution of presidential debates.
Michael Kosta and Ronny Chieng debate the upsides of bullying nerds, Kamala Harris's unusual speech patterns are finally explained, and Sebastian Junger discusses "In My Time of Dying".
Michael Kosta and Josh Johnson question Donald Trump's wild sleepytime theories, Troy Iwata meets Joe Biden's sole superfan, and JB Smoove chats about "Curb Your Enthusiasm".
Michael Kosta dives into Justice Sam Alito's collection of radical right-wing flags hung outside his house, Nikki Haley's backhanded endorsement for Trump, and daily weed use surpassing alcohol consumption. Plus, Troy Iwata unpacks the meaning of Alito's controversial flags. EGOT-winning artist John Legend sits down with Michael Kosta to discuss his new audio documentary "Afghan Star" about a singing competition show that created a cultural movement. Legend relays stories of people who risked their lives for music during Taliban control, the television show that unlocked opportunities for women and re-instilled a love of music in a whole generation. They talk about taking music and voting for granted, and how to channel this newfound appreciation into the 2024 election.
Jon Stewart loses it over complaints about Donald Trump's guilty verdicts and the value of the court system, and former Rep. Ken Buck debates the precedent set by Trump's trial.
Ronny Chieng dives into President Biden's executive order to close the border ahead of the election, which has both sides of the aisle up in arms. Plus, Trump stammers when asked if he would declassify the Epstein files and X, a.k.a. Twitter, announces it will allow porn. Plus, Desi Lydic joins Ronny to discuss North Korea sending trash balloons to South Korea. "I think the best comedians talk about themselves, talk about their pain". Comedian Marlon Wayans joins Ronny Chieng to discuss his new comedy special "Good Grief". They discuss honoring his late parents' memories and processing grief through laughter, his advice for young comedians, and how he gets away with riffing on celebrities.
Troy Iwata investigates a porn-addicted Amazonian tribe, Ronny Chieng and Jordan Klepper argue about basketball news, and Joel Kim Booster discusses "Outstanding: A Comedy Revolution".
Ronny Chieng reports on conservative backlash to Pride Month, a new product lets patriots show their passion for the flag, and attorney George Conway discusses Donald Trump's guilty verdict.
Jon Stewart breaks down rainbow capitalism and corporate America's pandering problem, and basketball analyst Monica McNutt discusses Caitlin Clark's effect on the WNBA.
Jordan Klepper tackles the Hunter Biden guilty verdict, as well as Justice Samuel Alito's wife, Martha-Ann Alito, caught on tape planning to fight Pride flags with more flags. Plus, Michael Kosta reveals how Governor Kathy Hochul's decision to scrap New York congestion pricing might have had something to do with the "Diner Effect". Award-winning actor Kevin Bacon sits down with Jordan Klepper to discuss his legendary acting career and latest films, "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F" and "MaXXXine". They talk about fearlessly playing villains, starring alongside the hilarious Eddie Murphy, and 80s horror films as thinly veiled morality tales. Plus, Bacon reveals the marriage advice he gives those asking about his 36-year relationship with Kyra Sedgwick, "Don't take marriage advice from celebrities".
Jordan Klepper covers the GOP reaction to Hunter Biden's conviction, Charlamagne Tha God urges Dems to fix their messaging, and Jeremy O. Harris discusses "Slave Play. Not a Movie. A Play".
Jordan Klepper covers Donald Trump meeting Logan Paul, Grace Kuhlenschmidt talks reproductive rights news, and Maya Hawke discusses her movie "Inside Out 2" and her album "Chaos Angel".
Jon Stewart looks at the GOP's contradictory habit of fearmongering about crime rates while opposingballoon control laws, and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II discusses his book "White Poverty".
Desi Lydic and Ronny Chieng profile lesser-known GOP candidates with extreme views, Marlon "'Quon" Wayans grills special prosecutor Nathan Wade, and Rosalind Chao discusses "3 Body Problem".
Ronny Chieng & Desi Lydic dive into Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong-un's lively boys trip in North Korea, the climate protester attack on Stonehenge and Taylor Swift's private jet, and Louisiana's new bill blurring the lines of church and state. Plus, Michael Kosta stops by to evaluate whether Republicans can handle the moral standards of the Ten Commandments. Emmy Award-winning actor Ebon Moss-Bachrach joins Desi Lydic and Ronny Chieng to talk about his character's evolution on the upcoming season of "The Bear". They discuss how he gets a chance to mouth off as Cousin Richie, his chemistry with the cast, and how he's preparing for his role as The Thing in Marvel's upcoming "Fantastic Four".
Michael Kosta, Desi Lydic and Troy Iwata weigh the value of preparing for political debates (or not), The Daily Show profiles nerd king Jeff Bezos, and Paul W. Downs talks "Hacks".
Michael Kosta reports on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's prison release, Alex Jones's shameless cash grab as his conspiracy network Infowars shutters, and a new Surgeon General advisory warning against, uh,balloon violence? Plus, China one-upped America's lunar landing by visiting the far side of the moon, and Josh Johnson shares some advice on how the U.S. can reassert its supremacy. "Consumers are not going to save us from the vulnerabilities of the global supply chain. It's going to take regulation, it's going to take labor mobilization". Peter S. Goodman, New York Times global economics correspondent and author of "How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain", joins Michael Kosta to discuss American business and consumer reliance on a rickety supply chain, the need for anti-trust enforcement, and creating a more resilient supply chain that's not just optimized for big box retailers and investors.
Michael Kosta reports on the highs and lows of yesterday's primaries, the Supreme Court's ruling that makes it easier for politicians to accept bribes as "tips", and AI's effect on the music industry as record labels scramble to protect their artists from fake tunes. Plus, a helium-leaking spaceship from Boeing has left two astronauts stranded, and Ronny Chieng joins with updates from the ISS. ProPublica reporter Sharon Lerner sits down with Michael Kosta to discuss her latest piece in collaboration with The New Yorker on 3M's use and concealment of forever chemicals. They talk about how the company's secrets came to light, where people can find forever chemicals, and what it takes to be a good investigative journalist.
Jon Stewart goes live after CNN's presidential debate to unpack Biden's senior moments and Trump's blatant lies. Psychotherapist and best-selling author of "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone" Lori Gottlieb joins Jon Stewart to discuss the impact of the debate on mental health and anxiety. They break down the difference between productive and unproductive anxiety during an election cycle, clashing with people on social media, how to deal with the existential fear perpetuated by news outlets, and in order to avoid anxiety, make sure you're not surrounded by a**holes.
Jon Stewart has some concerns in the aftermath of Joe Biden's debate performance. Jon digs into the backlash to America's bed-wetting panic over Biden's incoherence, some of the president's recent slip-ups, the future of the Democratic candidate, and Biden's promise in an ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos to give "fighting fascism" his all. Joe Biden said he might drop out of the race if the "Lord Almighty" came down and told him to. So has anyone asked any divine beings their thoughts? Jon Stewart and The Daily Show News Team help deliver that godly message to Joe Biden from above. Journalist and best-selling author A.J. Jacobs joins Jon Stewart to discuss his new book "The Year of Living Constitutionally", which addresses a timely question: What does the Constitution actually say? He shares his insight on the Founding Fathers' mindsets, how they'd react to the current political system, and living by the legal document word for word, down to writing by quill.
Desi Lydic & Jordan Klepper cover Trump's contradictory tweet about Project 2025, President Biden's Parkinson's panic, and Gwyneth Paltrow's shitty house guest. Michael Kosta also helps Desi & Jordan get to the bottom of all of Biden's medical house calls. Polls show that Trump's support among Black voters is up almost 20 points from the last election, so Josh Johnson sat down with a panel of Black voters to ask, "Do we f**k with Trump- Former Daily Show correspondent and star of Paramount Plus' "Evil" Aasif Mandvi reminisces with Jordan Klepper and Desi Lydic about some of his most memorable field pieces, from asking former Florida governor Rick Scott for a urine test, to nearly being arrested in a two-headed fish costume. He also discusses what it means for him to play a sexy character in the horror-comedy series "Evil".
Desi Lydic and Jordan Klepper cover the latest news surrounding the Biden campaign, including a call from George Clooney for Biden to step down. Plus, they tackle Trump's latest rally ramblings, including his assertion that fentanyl is easier to get than groceries, and the problem with airports? Since the last election, Trump has been a big proponent of the Taiwan-based electronic manufacturer Foxconn's opening of a massive factory in Wisconsin, promising thousands of new jobs. But millions of taxpayer dollars and zero manufactured goods later, it seems like the people of Wisconsin have been Fox-conned. Ronny Chieng investigates.
Jon Stewart unpacks the opening night of the RNC, where Republicans called for unity while attacking the Democrats' agenda, and J.D. Vance made his big reveal as VP candidate. Plus, Jon weighs in on Biden's feisty NBC interview with Lester Holt, and the flood of internet conspiracies in the wake of the sleepytime attempt of Donald Trump. Bill O'Reilly sits down with Jon Stewart, despite their differing ideologies, to discuss his new book "Confronting the Presidents". The two talk about political fanaticism following the sleepytime attempt against Donald Trump, whether we're experiencing a unique time of polarization, the danger of monetizing anger and hate speech, and debating the real-life consequences of the 2024 election in good faith.
Ronny Chieng recaps RNC night 2, including Lara Trump's many reminders of who her father-in-law is, Vivek Ramaswamy's weak appeal to Gen-Z, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders's many minor tragedies. Plus, Michael Kosta says goodbye to the convention's short lived unity theme. Jordan Klepper and Desi Lydic join to offer their expert analysis on Trump's running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. Also, NYU Professor, entrepreneur, podcast host, and bestselling author Scott Galloway talks to Ronny about his latest book, "The Algebra of Wealth".
Jordan Klepper goes live after the final night of the Republican National Convention to unpack Trump's big speech, and appearances from Hulk Hogan and Kid Rock. Plus, an update on the status of Joe Biden's candidacy. Also, TDS correspondents Josh Johnson, Grace Kuhlenschmidt, and Troy Iwata play the ultimate game of "Would You Rather", testing whether people would rather talk about the election or anything else.
Jon Stewart tackles Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, new presumptive nominee Kamala Harris, and the reactions on both sides, from a re-energized Democratic party to flailing Republicans' flimsy coup claims. Plus, Josh Johnson on the right's new strategic talking points against Harris, which range from sexist all the way to racist. "What's the point of having a conversation if you're not speaking to people who don't already agree with you- Pete Buttigieg talks to Jon Stewart about why he goes on Fox News, the significance of President Joe Biden stepping aside to make room for Kamala Harris as the presumptive Democratic nominee, the possibility of being vetted for vice president, and his thoughts on Trump's own VP pick, JD Vance.
"Indecision 2024" analysis of the "White Dudes for Harris" drive and Donald Trump's apparent fear of debating Kamala Harris; Ronny examines Democrats' "weird" attack line against Trump and, especially, J. D. Vance's "childless cat ladies" comment; Grace Kuhlenschmidt says she's "a normal adult woman" in an apartment full of lizards; "Back in Black" (Lewis Black on the record-setting summer heat); John M. Chu on casting Ronny in Crazy Rich Asians, what drew him to direct the film version of Wicked, and his advice to young people seeking the American Dream.
Ronny Chieng tackles Trump's painful attempt at Black voter outreach, which included insulting Black journalists and accusing Kamala Harris of not being Black. Plus, Megan Thee Stallion declares "Hotties for Harris" at an Atlanta campaign rally, and Michael Kosta has a plan to keep the Democrats' newfound excitement going. Grammy-nominated band Black Pumas performs "Gemini Sun" from their latest album, "Chronicles of a Diamond".
Ronny Chieng tackles Donald Trump's continued attacks on Kamala Harris's racial identity, this time citing... Mindy Kaling's Instagram? JD Vance handles his own race problems with a lukewarm defense of his wife against white supremacists, and Ronny runs down Harris's options for a running mate, who, as Desi Lydic explains, absolutely cannot be a woman. "If you have a right to vote in this country we should make it as accessible and easy for you to vote. If you can't win, then go out and get better ideas to get people to vote for you". Former GOP Congressman Adam Kinzinger sits down with Ronny Chieng to discuss Power the Polls, a national non-partisan effort to recruit the next generation of poll workers to ensure safe and fair elections for all voters. They talk about the social and political divisiveness of Congress, why Republicans feel threatened by voting access, and why "old school" Republicans should consider supporting Kamala Harris.
Michael Kosta covers all things Olympics, including an American runner who won by a hair, a pole vaulter with interfering genitalia, and an Algerian boxer whose womanhood is challenged. As the election grows closer, RFK Jr'.s bear carcass dump has him securing his place as the weirdest candidate, and Desi Lydic reveals other confessions we can expect from him.
Host Michael Kosta chats with actor/writer/producer Ed Helms about his podcast "SNAFU".
Legal scholar/analyst/author Barbara McQuade discusses her latest book "Attack from Within: How Disinformation is Sabotaging America" with host Michael Kosta.
Host Michael Kosta talks with comedian Hannah Berner about her latest Netflix stand-up special "We Ride at Dawn".
Donald Trump thought he was cruising to victory against Joe Biden, but now he's facing a hard fight against Kamala Harris. Jon Stewart looks at Trump's half-hearted attempts to adjust to the new challenge and wonders if he's hatching a devious plan to help Biden take back the nomination, January 6th style. Entrepreneur and minority owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, joins Jon Stewart to discuss disrupting the healthcare industry as co-founder of Cost Plus Drug Company. They discuss Silicon Valley's goals of anointing Trump as CEO of America and serving as board members, the unpredictable future of AI, how Elon Musk utilizes X (formerly Twitter) algorithms to control the global discourse, and how drug price transparency has changed the future of our healthcare system.
Desi Lydic tackles Donald Trump's glitchy interview with Elon Musk on X, in which a slurring Trump announced plans to close the Department of Education, played '90s pop culture trivia with Vladimir Putin, and revealed his new celebrity crush. On the heels of the Paris Olympics, three-time gold medallist Gabby Thomas joins Desi Lydic to discuss her big wins for Team USA, a moment she spent five years training for. They talk about her mom's heart-warming reaction and lifelong encouragement, how Thomas's Harvard degree in neurobiology informed her athletic preparation and self-care, and advocating for equal access to healthcare through volunteer work in Texas.
Desi Lydic watches the leaked Project 2025 training videos and discovers the secret right-wing plan for transforming government, undoing climate rules, and eliminating all pronouns from the English language. Plus, the people who made them are a little weird and have close ties to Donald Trump, despite his denials. Grace Kuhlenschmidt explores the drawbacks of having a gerontocracy by chatting with UC Irvine neuropolitics researcher Mark Fisher and visits Congressman Maxwell Frost for a younger politician's perspective. Also, actor, writer, producer, and director Mark Duplass talks to Desi about his second Emmy nomination for his role on the Apple TV+ series "The Morning Show".
"Indecision 2024" examines Donald Trump's rants against Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris' peculiarities (and Tic-Tacs) during an "intellectual" speech on economic policy; Troy Iwata insists different product sizes are bad signs of inflation; "The Daily Showography" spotlights JD Vance's transformations from Ohio hillbilly kid into venture capitalist, and from a "never Trumper" into Trump's running mate; Rebecca Traister & Brittney Cooper join Desi to discuss channeling election emotions into action.
The Daily Show is in Chicago for night one of the DNC. Michael Kosta covers what to expect this week, including vague nightly themes, unsubstantiated rumors of surprise celebrity appearances, and a recycled Biden platform. Plus, Grace Kuhlenschmidt reports on a giant inflatable IUD and Jordan Klepper stops by to teach Tim Walz a thing or two about pandering to local crowds. To kick off night one of the DNC, former Chicago resident Jordan Klepper and Illinois Governor JB Pritzker take a tour of the city they love. They talk history, food, sports, and culture. And of course they stop for a drink or three along the way. "There's a lesson in every tough story". Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joins fellow Michigander Michael Kosta during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to discuss her bestselling book, "True Gretch: What I've Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between".
The Daily Show is in Chicago for the DNC. Desi Lydic recaps the biggest moments of night one, including Hillary Clinton's crowd breaking into a familiar chant, conservatives obsessing over Kamala Harris's smile, and Joe Biden giving an energetic speech that went way past everyone's bedtimes. Plus, Troy Iwata hunts for the perfect "Thank You" card for Biden. "If we want to make sure that we can all access high-quality, comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare, we have to go vote". Lauren Underwood, representative of Illinois's 14th District and co-founder of the Black Maternal Health Caucus, sits down with Desi Lydic in Chicago to discuss speaking at the DNC on opening night, her experience working closely with Kamala Harris to address and advance maternal healthcare with the Momnibus Act, the key to combating the anti-woman policy agenda of conservatives like JD Vance, and the parallels between her work and her favorite reality show.
The Daily Show is in Chicago for the DNC. Jordan Klepper recaps the second night, from an electric roll call featuring Lil Jon to headliners Barack and Michelle Obama delivering soaring rhetoric while also hitting below the belt. Plus, Desi Lydic has notes for the delegation from Illinois, and Ronny Chieng reveals the insults Democrats have coming next for Trump. Gov. Tim Walz isn't only Kamala Harris's running mate, he's also America's dad. So to land one of the most coveted interviews at the DNC, Grace Kuhlenschmidt is trying every trick in the dad-bait book, from giving away the movie Rudy on Blu-Ray to asking if anyone can show her how to use a stud finder. "Nothing is given. Everything is earned". Maryland Governor Wes Moore joins Jordan Klepper to discuss utilizing the DNC to reach an undecided audience and earn their votes in the upcoming election.
Jon Stewart closes out the DNC from Chicago with a recap of the convention.
With the election rapidly approaching, Jordan Klepper catches up on the latest stories in the presidential race, including recent polling, JD Vance swimming in a t-shirt, and Dick Cheney's surprising endorsement of Kamala Harris. Plus, as Harris and Trump prepare for their first debate with starkly different approaches, Grace Kuhlenschmidt joins to break down the Republican candidate's "weaving" tactics. Historian and best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari sits down with Jordan Klepper to discuss his new book, "Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI". They talk about how people deal with an overflow of information, whether or not AI is an existential threat, the importance of human understanding in bureaucracy, and why there's still hope.
Jon Stewart goes live after the first Trump vs Harris presidential debate, featuring face-offs over abortion, border control, and eating cats? Tonight's guest is former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.
Host Jordan Klepper talks with John Heilemann, national affairs analyst for NBC News/MSNBC and host of "Impolitic with John Heilemann".
Jordan looks at how Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris is sending right-wing politicians into a panic. Actress Sasheer Zamata talks about her MCU debut in the new Disney+ series "Agatha All Along".
Ronny Chieng covers the second sleepytime attempt on Donald Trump. Former Counterintelligence Special Agent Luis Elizondo discusses his new book, "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs".
Ronny Chieng covers big economic news, including the Fed cutting interest rates and Trump trying to launch a crypto business. Also, actor Daniel Dae Kim discusses his role in the new Broadway play "Yellow Face".
Ronny Chieng covers more Republican weirdness and Rudy Giuliani's frighteningly bad performance at a Trump rally. Today's special guest is Phillip Lim, creative director of fashion brand 3.1 Phillip Lim.
Jon examines the escalating conflict engulfing "The Futile Crescent", the Biden administration's inability to prevent war from widening, and the criticism the Netanyahu government faces within Israel; Christine Lagarde discusses the dramatic effects of inflation and interest rates on the average person, as well as the need for global governance of AI; "Your Moment of Zen" (Donald Trump's "it's too late" dismissal of a second debate with Kamala Harris).
Desi Lydic rounds up shitty male politicians' insulting appeals to female voters: from Trump's claims of being their protector despite taking away abortion rights, to Ohio Senate hopeful Bernie Moreno's dismissal of post-menopausal women's commitment to abortion access, to N.C. gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson's salacious porn-forum comments about his sister-in-law. Plus, Dulcé Sloan joins to make Josh Johnson answer for every man. Emmy-nominated actor Aubrey Plaza joins Desi Lydic to discuss starring in Francis Ford Coppola's "Megalopolis", the improvisational nature of the set, and channeling Tucker Carlson to play a corrupt journalist. They talk about her new film "My Old Ass", wanting to meet her 75-year-old self, wondering if everything happens for a reason, and her dream coven inspired by her role in "Agatha All Along".
On what would have been the second debate night between Harris and Trump - until the former president backed out - Desi Lydic takes on the latest election news, including Trump's new scam hawking out fake coins and his contention that Kamala Harris never worked at McDonald's. "I think music is medicine". Singer-songwriter RAYE sits down with Desi Lydic to discuss a record-breaking year for her music, including six BRIT Award wins. She opens up about writing for herself versus other artists, the importance of full-length albums, what inspired her song "Genesis", and whether British artists are equally impressed by their American counterparts. RAYE performs "Genesis", featured on her new concert album "Live at Montreux Jazz Festival".
Desi Lydic breaks down NYC Mayor Eric Adams' shocking indictment on bribery and fraud charges. Director Susanna Fogel discusses her new film "Winner", based on the life of whistleblower Reality Winner.
Host Jon Stewart talks with author Ta-Nehisi Coates about his newest book, "The Message".
Michael Kosta hosts a lively post-debate recap following the highly anticipated vice-presidential debate between Tim Walz and JD Vance. Kosta breaks down the biggest moments and missteps from the debate, while Josh Johnson, Troy Iwata, and Grace Kuhlenschmidt hit the streets to gauge voter enthusiasm for this pivotal event. Special guest Paola Ramos joins to discuss her new book, Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means for America, delving into the shifting political leanings of Latino voters and how Vance's controversial comments on immigration resonate in this context.
Michael Kosta tackles last night's VP debate between JD Vance and Tim Walz and the cable news pundits who have been hard at work spinning who won. Plus, Troy Iwata is in the post-debate spin room with a definitive, scientific debate-scoring system. Dean of the Columbia Journalism School and staff writer at the New Yorker, Jelani Cobb, talks to Michael Kosta about the new PBS documentary he's featured in, "One Person, One Vote- which explains the Electoral College and its history rooted in the exploitation of enslaved people for political power. Cobb also discusses the process that most people don't realize goes into trustworthy journalism and the importance of having a diverse news diet.
Michael Kosta reports on the latest election shake-ups, including a new ruling allowing gamblers to bet on the outcome of congressional races and a dockworker strike supported by both Trump and Harris that nearly guarantees forthcoming shortages and price hikes. Plus, Grace Kuhlenschmidt joins with the scoop on how panic-buying shoppers hope to outsmart the holdout. "Rice is culture". JJ Johnson, celebrity chef and founder of FIELDTRIP restaurants, sits down with Michael Kosta to discuss his best-selling cookbook, "The Simple Art of Rice". He talks about what he learned from his grandmother's kitchen, why rice is the most disrespected ingredient in North America, and how he teaches his children about healthy cooking.
Jon Stewart tackles growing claims of election interference, with Elon Musk joining Trump's narrative. Bill Adair discusses his new book on political liars and misinformation, "Beyond the Big Lie".
Jordan Klepper unpacks Trump's latest political spin, and Michael Kosta interviews the source of Fox News's ludicrous voter fraud claims. Bestselling author Jason Reynolds discusses his new novel.
Jordan Klepper dives into Kamala Harris's press tour, including how she differentiates herself from Biden and the revelation that she owns a Glock. Plus, Melania Trump visits Fox News to discuss Donald's pajamas, Stephen Miller exemplifies how to be a "sexual matador", and Project 2025 plans to take down porn. Ronny Chieng & Jordan Klepper are at each other's necks in this edition of Sports War, where they legally can't agree. They tackle rumors that Aaron Rodgers got Jets Head Coach, Robert Saleh fired, Vanderbilt students who tore down the goalposts, and MLB's heartfelt goodbye to player and gambler Pete Rose. Writer and activist Jessica Valenti joins Jordan Klepper to discuss her new New York Times bestselling book, "Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win", which was inspired by her newsletter, "Abortion, Every Day".
Jordan Klepper unpacks Trump's denial of a Biden economic recovery as new inflation numbers bring more good news. Plus, as Kamala Harris struggles to connect with male voters, Fox News chalks it up to the fact that "real men" prefer conservatives. Troy Iwata joins with a manly view on why Republicans are rallying behind men. If Trump wins, many fear he will abuse the criminal justice system to take down his enemies and pardon his friends. But are there positives to presidential pardons? Ricky Velez makes his case in a new "In My Opinion". "My job is to make them laugh, and I like to hear them laugh. I think it's a sickness". Award-winning comedy legend Eric Idle sits down with Jordan Klepper to discuss his new book, "The Spamalot Diaries".
Desi Lydic dives into Trump's wild town hall, which turned into an impromptu listening party. Stacey Abrams joins to discuss voter suppression in Georgia and how voters can fight back.
Desi Lydic explores Kamala Harris's appeal to Black male voters, and Trump's bizarre claim of being the "father of IVF". Hollywood actor Jason Segel discusses his Apple TV+ series "Shrinking".
Host Desi Lydic interviews journalist, podcast host, and author Kara Swisher about her new book "Burn Book: A Tech Love Story".
Host Jon Stewart sits down with Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz.
Michael Kosta explores Rudy Giuliani's financial downfall & Elon Musk's million-dollar sweepstakes to sway voters. Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm discusses the rapid growth of the clean energy sector.
Michael Kosta unpacks a whirlwind of pre-election headlines. John Kelly reveals Trump's troubling praise for Hitler. David Hogg, co-founder of March for Our Lives and Leaders We Deserve, discusses his grassroots movement to elect young progressives.
Michael Kosta breaks down Tucker Carlson's bizarre Trump rally speech. Grammy-nominated artist Joseph Antonio Cartagena aka "Fat Joe" discusses his push for healthcare price transparency, his incredible weight loss journey, and his STARZ series "Fat Joe Talks".
Jon Stewart dives into Trump's recent xenophobic rally at MSG and his proposed mass deportation plan. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro discusses the state's role as a "temporary swing state".
Ronny Chieng unpacks the fallout from Tony Hinchcliffe's racist joke about Puerto Rico. María Teresa Kumar, President of Voto Latino, joins Ronny to discuss the Latino voting bloc's power.
Ronny Chieng dives into Biden's "garbage" comment and Trump's surprising plan to let RFK Jr. handle public health. Young rockers "the Linda Lindas" chat about their new album, No Obligation.
Ronny Chieng breaks down Trump's garbage truck photo-op and John Leguizamo goes undercover with undecided Latino voters. Trailblazing journalism icon Connie Chung discusses her memoir "Connie".
Jordan Klepper recaps the candidates' final pushes, incl. Kamala Harris' star-studded send-off. Jordan then has a conversation with Adam Serwer, a staff writer for The Atlantic, about MAGA's conspiracy bubble and GOP "snitch states".
Desi Lydic digests Donald Trump's election win. Tressie McMillan Cottom analyses the election's deeper implications, the rise of identity politics & Trump's appeal to American anxieties.
Ronny Chieng covers Biden's preparations for a peaceful transfer of power, along with Trump's potential cabinet picks. Award-winning journalist Emily Ngo provides her insight on Trump's second win.
Jon Stewart dissects the Democrat election fallout and what went wrong. Retired Marine Thomas Brennan spotlights the human impact of military service in his film, "Shadows of Fallujah".
Host Jordan Klepper talks with Robert Putnam, a Harvard professor and social scientist, about his documentary "Join or Die".
Jordan Klepper covers Trump's cordial meeting with Biden and his surprising cabinet nominees. Special guest is Moses "Shyne" Barrow, former Grammy-winning rapper turned Belizean political leader.
Host Jordan Klepper interviews Francis Ford Coppola, director of "Megalopolis".
Jon Stewart analyses how Republicans exploit loopholes for political gain while Democrats stick to the rules - is it time for a change in strategy? Host Jon Stewart interviews Ruy Teixeira, founder of The Liberal Patriot and co-author of "Where Have All the Democrats Gone-
Desi Lydic dives into explosive allegations vs. Trump's attorney general nominee Matt Gaetz. Award-winning investigative reporter/contributing writer of The New Yorker Ronan Farrow about the new HBO documentary "Surveilled", exposing the perils of spyware.
Desi Lydic unpacks Trump's latest celebrity cabinet choices, including Dr. Oz and WWE's Linda McMahon. Joey McIntyre of New Kids On The Block discusses his new Christmas film 'Jingle Bell Love'.
Desi Lydic breaks down the latest Washington drama, including Matt Gaetz pulling out of the Attorney General race. Grammy-winning artist Brittany Howard discusses her transformative new album, "What Now".
Jon Stewart unpacks Trump's nomination of Kash Patel for FBI head and Biden's pardon of his son Hunter. Former Deputy AG Sally Yates discusses Trump's threat to the DOJ & his "weaponization" of justice.
Ronny Chieng tackles South Korea's martial law reversal & misconduct allegations against Pete Hegseth. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shares insights on the contributions of immigrants to science.
Ronny Chieng breaks down the controversies surrounding Defence Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth, and Josh Johnson covers South Korea's political turmoil. Featured guest is chef & activist Tom Colicchio.
Host Ronny Chieng interviews author and creator/executive producer Charles Yu about his book and Hulu series "Interior Chinatown".
Host Jon Stewart sits down with Ben Wikler, current Wisconsin Democratic Party Chair and candidate for DNC Chair.
Host Michael Kosta talks with U.S. Department of the Interior, Sec. Deb Haaland.
Michael Kosta investigates the manifesto of suspected UHC CEO shooter Luigi Mangione. Author T.J. English chronicles the rise & fall of an American cocaine empire in his latest book, "The Last Kilo".
Michael Kosta covers Time Magazine's half-hearted Person of the Year, "Donald Trump". Actor Peter Sarsgaard discusses his new film "September 5", about the 1972 Munich Olympic terrorist attack.