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Де виходить: NBC
Скільки серій в 2 сезоні: 14 серій
Коли вийде 2 сезон сериалу "знайдено"
Дата виходу першої серії 4 жовтня 2024.
Остання серія сезону буде доступна 28 лютого 2025.
Коли вийде наступна серія?
14 серія виходе : 28 лютого 2025
Gabi and her team at Mosely & Associates begin to spiral amid Gabi's shocking revelation. Lacey's childhood flashbacks begin to resurface, providing vital clues as Sir remains at large.
A Black newborn baby is abducted from the hospital while Gabi and the team continue their frantic search for one of their own; someone from Sir's past pays Mosely & Associates a surprise visit; Margaret has a public meltdown.
An elderly widower engaged to a cuddleer disappears on her wedding day; Trent reveals new findings surrounding the passing of Sir's mother; Gabi baits Sir with a game of cat and mouse and navigates the fallout within her Mosely & Associates family.
As Lacey attempts to readjust to life after her kidnapping, the fractured M&A team assists a 15-year-old boy in finding his missing parents; Sir begins making plans for the future; Trent is forced to make a decision with a case of his own.
Margaret reopens a teenage girl's missing-person case after an unidentified 4-year-old boy appears in the D.C. area; Lacey recalls a memory from her kidnapping that leads to a clue in the manhunt for Sir; Gabi makes plans to right her wrongs.
The team investigates a missing girl named Gabi Mosely but questions the motivations behind her disappearance; Dhan tries to rally M&A back together; Margaret faces a setback in her search for Jamie; Sir takes an interest in a missing persons case.
M&A investigates a potential hate crime when a non-binary activist disappears; Gabi's recollection of memories from the past opens up old wounds; Trent hones in on Sir's potential accomplice; Zeke crosses a dangerous line with the DCPD.
Margaret's struggle to suppress memories of Jamie's disappearance triggers emotions she can't ward off. M&A works to track down a mother with a mental illness who has vanished. Zeke's agoraphobia is triggered by an unwanted guest.
When a recovering drug addict goes missing, his girlfriend turns to M&A, but interference from outside forces complicates the investigation. Sir uncovers a shocking secret about one of M&A's allies. One of the team members is critically injured.
When a college student disappears after a fraternity prank outs him as gay, M&A mobilizes to trace his whereabouts. The pressure for Gabi's arrest reaches a boiling point. Sir becomes increasingly bold in his quest for Gabi.
M&A races against the clock to search for a missing Black, non-neurotypical boy before he suffers from an emotional breakdown. The cat-and-mouse game between Sir and Gabi comes to a head. Margaret is approached by a familiar face.
Минуле та теперішнє стикаються, коли правда про те, як почалася полон сера. Нова інформація про Джеймі викликає питання про його викрадення. Габі бореться за те, щоб зробити поправки як справа проти її розвитку. Сер робить зізнання.
Коли літнього, сліпого чоловіка звинувачують у викраденні своєї сестри, M&A встановлює розслідування, щоб копати глибше. Напруга навколо ідентичності Джеймі викликає тертя серед M&A. Дивовижна прохідна підозра навколо співучасника сера.
Поради щодо дзвінка 911 M&A для молодої жінки, яка пропала безвісти після побачення. Лейсі розглядає починаючи з новими стосунками. Сер вживає різких заходів, щоб привернути увагу Габі. Маргарет та Габі розслідують потенційних підозрюваних у викраденні Джеймі.