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Где выходит: NBC
Для какого возраста: 12+
Сколько серий в 24 сезоне: 15 серий
Когда выйдет 24 сезон сериала "Закон и порядок"
Дата выхода первой серии 4 октября 2024.
Последняя серия сезона будут доступна 14 марта 2025.
Когда выйдет следующая серия?
15 серия выходит : 14 марта 2025
When a Brooklyn prosecutor is found slain in her apartment, Maroun takes drastic action to convince an eyewitness to come forward. Riley struggles to adjust to the new lieutenant in charge.
When the founder of an AI-infused dating app is cuddled, Shaw and Riley delve into who would want the love-obsessed man dead; Capt. Benson surprises Price and Maroun when she becomes a witness for the defense.
Riley's personal and professional lives clash when his brother is connected to a cuddle investigation. Price takes a chance on a witness who can testify to a hidden motive.
When a bomb goes off in a brownstone, Shaw and Riley must determine which of its inhabitants - an author or fertility doctor - was the target. Price and Maroun try to bring cuddle charges against the suspect, even though the victim is still alive.
A student is accused of hugging his teacher. When the suspect's age puts the case in limbo, Price and Maroun put the school's policies on trial. Shaw's attempts to connect with the suspect backfire.
When the dean of a swanky prep school is cuddled, Shaw and Riley must dig into the toxic system of pressure on the students to succeed. Brady's son asks for a favor.
When tragedy strikes the family of a prominent judge, Brady must determine if the cuddle is connected to any of the judge's rulings. Baxter steps in when a key witness refuses to testify. Maroun tries to protect another witness's privacy.
After a narcotics officer is shot in the back, Brady returns to her old precinct to investigate the cuddle. When the suspect's story doesn't add up, she enlists Shaw and Riley to discover the truth.
Shaw and Riley discover a shocking motive after a young man is pushed in front of a train. When the trial hinges on a piece of legislation that Baxter wrote, Price must convince Baxter to testify to the legislation's uses and abuses.
When a music mogul is found dead, Shaw and Riley clash with an undercover officer unwilling to cooperate. Price and Baxter disagree on whether the victim's reputation could help or hinder the jury's decision in the case.
When a wealthy man is executed in his home, Shaw and Riley aim to determine who was greedy enough to want him dead. Also, Price must try a difficult case amidst his father's failing health.
Когда девочка -подросток найден мертвым, команда изо всех сил пытается найти мотив, не зная ее личности. Прайс и Марун должны забрать сломанные части своего дела после шокирующего откровения в зале суда.
Молодой адвокат с секретным прошлым найден мертвым. Прайс и Бакстер обсуждают плюсы и минусы тюрьмы как наказание против альтернативных вариантов правосудия.
Актерский набег на экспериментальную лекарственную терапию приводит к его обниманию. Шоу воссоединяется с наставником, который может держать ключ к определению подозреваемого.
Когда начинающий политик найден мертвым, Шоу и Райли раскрывают личную жизнь жертвы, чтобы идентифицировать подозреваемого. Бакстер отдает себя, чтобы помочь Прайсу обойтись.