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2-th episode of 5-th season "Whose Line Is It Anyway"

"Whose Line Is It Anyway" 5 season 2-th episode

"Whose Line Is It Anyway" 5 season 2-th episode

What "Whose Line Is It Anyway" 2-th episode about

Colin's Hollywood Director tries to control himself as a hunky golf pro (Ryan) gives private lessons to a Beverly Hills wife (Kathy), when her elderly millionaire husband (Wayne) arrives on his motor scooter and thinks they are trying to steal his fortune, in the styles standup comics, a sexy German movie, and really obnoxious drunks; Wayne sings Song Styles to the reigning Miss America; Scenes from a Hat are "Unusual things for a neighbor to ask to borrow", "If you used stripper moves to perform mundane tasks", "World's worst things to say the first time you see someone naked", "Strange television shows for Mr. Rogers to make a guest appearance on", and "Disturbing times to make animal noises"; Wayne and Miss America become props for Ryan and Colin in Living Scenery, as Batman and Robin get a call from Commissioner Gordon that Batgirl is being held captive.
Colin wins, so the rest are punished with a game of Props.

Episode number: 2

Episode name: "Kathy Griffin Summary"

Episode release date: 17 september 2002 at 00:00

Status: aired

Rating: 7.4
